
Digital Advertising Trends in 2017

The increasing proliferation of the interne and online channels in our modern society has given birt
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European Retail Trends in 2018: Accelerated Pathwa

In Europe, retailers' IT departments control the largest part of IT spending, but LOBs exercise sign
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Supply Chain Infographic

Within days of implementing Oracle Retail Demand Forecasting, a Russian retailer was able to reduce
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ecommerce Trends to consider in 2019

The eCommerce Trends Survey carried out by 2Checkout with almost 7,000 companies across the world ha
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Recent mass data breaches have created an abundance of verified credentials for sale across the dark
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Driving Omni Chhanel Environment With iPad

The traditional high street evolutions is they all want the retail experience. that best fits with t
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UK Food and Grocery Value 2017

The UK food and grocery market is forecast to grow by 15% between now and 2022, giving it a value of
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